Sunday, April 13, 2008

Indoor plants

Over the last 3 months, I've managed to acquire four African Violets, one miniature rose & one foliage plant in 4" pots. As most people know, African Violets are beautiful flowering plants which are comparatively easy to look after. The fact that these plants still live is a testimony to the above statement because my treatment of them has been less than optimum. :-P
In fact, I did manage to kill off a one foot Norfolk Island pine recently. In my defense, it had an insect infestation which did too much damage before I was able to fix it.

The windows in my house face to the north; rather unfortunate because its the worst possible w.r.t direct sunlight. I'm thinking of investing in some fluorescent lights. Yes, there are grow bulbs available, I know that. But they are at $60 a single bulb and I am not willing to dole out so much for the upkeep of $4 plants :-)

Actually, they are not even $1; they were priced at ShopRite 3 months ago for $1.25 for the plant & pot and 29c for the plastic cups. But the cashier scanned the plastic cups & so I got all four of them for the price of the plastic cups. I found out the mistake later when I was entering the bill amount in our budgeting software about 2-3 days later. I was debating on going back (don't be so quick to judge me, the store is rather far from where I live) when I realized that they had overcharged me $3.50 for the fish. So I guess it kinda evens out.